Jonas / Boys (): VIDEOS
拿愛線索 Boys 拿爱线索
Two moments of Jonas's life intertwine, each reflecting the other: in 1997, when he was a secretive teenager, and 18 years later, as an attractive and impulsive thirty-something looking for balance in his life. His life was turned upside-down when he was 14 and met Nathan, a charismatic friend who was both intriguing and daring. Now an adult, this memory still haunts Jonas and he's unable to shake free of it. He walks through the town of his past, trying to put his life in order like the blocks in Tetris that he frantically played on his Game Boy as a teen.
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1997年,乔拿斯是个躲在柜中的14岁男孩,他对英俊潇洒的同学纳丹一见钟情,尤其对纳丹桀骜不驯的一面又爱又怕。 18年后,30而立的乔拿斯已是风流倜傥的熟男,却仍在寻找人生平衡点,因为挥之不去的回忆阴影,他回到睽违已久的家乡,试图在每个记忆角落,寻找早已失去的线索、14岁的自己,以及他曾经爱过的那个男孩。